Linda Laugesen

Director  Papamoa


Linda is the managing director who coordinates the rehabilitation services and manages our Coastal Rehab Services team. Linda originally graduated with a Bachelor of  Speech and Language Therapy in 1998 and has since specialised in rehabilitation within the ACC & DHB sectors, and private practice. Linda continues to maintain a clinical interest in neurological rehabilitation.

Leah Carter

Administration Support  Papamoa


Leah has worked in both the public and private sectors, and as a volunteer in the community. She provides administrative support to Coastal Rehab Services’ dedicated team.

Cultural Advisor

Hori Ahomiro

Cultural Advisor  Tauranga


Hori holds a Masters in Indigenous Studies (Hons) from Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi, Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, a Diploma in Adult Education and is a certified clinical and Mataora supervisor. He is a fluent in Te Reo Maori me ona Tikanga and affiliates to Tapuika, Ngati Whakaue, Ngati Awa and Ngai Tuhoe Iwi. 


Bronwyn Prestage

Physiotherapist  Taupo/Turangi


Bronwyn graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (2020) & Masters in Sports Physiotherapy (2024), & is the current physiotherapist for the King Country Rugby Rams. Bronwyn’s focus is sports physiotherapy, gym-based rehabilitation, concussion management, & paediatrics, & she enjoys helping people achieve their goals.

Fleur Drewitt Fisher

Physiotherapist  Whitianga


Fleur graduated with a physiotherapy degree (2004) & Postgraduate Certificate in Rehabilitation (2014). She advanced to a senior level in neurology & neurosurgery and has worked with complex physical disabilities & brain injuries. Fleur specialises in neurological physiotherapy, specifically dizziness & balance disorders associated with concussion & traumatic brain injury.

Fran Tague

Physiotherapist  Rotorua


Fran qualified as a physiotherapist in 1997 & has worked extensively in neurological rehabilitation, completing further study in vestibular rehabilitation. She has a special interest in managing dizziness, vertigo & balance dysfunctions. Fran is experienced in the field of pelvic health, working with those with bladder/bowel dysfunction, continence issues & pelvic organ prolapse.

Jenny Voss

Physiotherapist  Taupo/Turangi


Jenny graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (2011) & Post Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation (2018). She is the current Health Navigation Officer for King Country Rugby Union. Jenny has interests in pelvic health, breathing retraining, concussion management, vertigo & exercise-based rehabilitation.

Justine Slow

Physiotherapist  Tauranga


Justine qualified in 2007 & has extensive experience in neurology & rehabilitation. Areas of special interest are rehabilitation post-concussion & traumatic brain injury, falls, orthopaedic injuries, dizziness & balance & enabling active independent lives. She is a Bobath therapist & Bradcliff practitioner with a passion for delivering holistic evidence-based healthcare.

Laura Houston

Physiotherapist  Papamoa


Laura completed her physiotherapy studies in 2018 through AUT & went on to complete a post-graduate diploma in sports physiotherapy through Otago University. Her favourite aspect of her job is getting to know a wide variety of people & being able to help them as best she can on their rehabilitation journey.

Leona Barnes

Neurophysiotherapist  Katikati


Leona has over 22 years experience working in neurology, neurosurgery & rehabilitation. Her postgraduate study is in health service management, neurology, & rehabilitation. Her principles behind service delivery focus on walking alongside clients on their goal-orientated rehabilitation journey, providing support, advice & expertise as needed. 

Mandy Meys

Paediatric Physiotherapist  Tauranga


Mandy is a paediatric physiotherapist with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree from Otago University and a Master of Health Practice in Child Health from AUT. A strong advocate for patient- and family-centred care, Mandy believes in the active involvement of clients in their rehabilitation journey. Her passion is in musculoskeletal injuries and pain management for children.

Pabs Kang

Physiotherapist  Edgecumbe


Pabs completed her BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy in 2008, & Post Graduate Certificate in Western Acupuncture in 2010. Pabs’ areas of expertise are within community, musculoskeletal & occupational health physiotherapy. She focuses on holistic treatment incorporating exercise rehabilitation, manual therapy & patient education.

Tracey Cameron

Physiotherapist  Whangamata


Tracey is a qualified physiotherapist (2012) & Dr Vodder lymph therapist with 10+ years’ experience. Personal experience with a traumatic brain injury & myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome led to a special interest in neurological rehabilitation & injury prevention. Tracey is an active listener, an honest talker & believes in celebrating all the wins, no matter how small.

Occupational Therapists

Ange McEwan

Occupational Therapist  Papamoa


Ange qualified as an occupational therapist in 2003 and has since worked with a number of ACC suppliers over the years. Angela has a naturally warm and caring nature and a genuine interest in helping people, and 'helping people to help themselves,' by encouraging independence wherever possible.

Bo O'Sullivan

Paediatric Occupational Therapist  Tauranga


Bo is a paediatric OT with a Bachelor in Health Science (2013) & is working toward a Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation. With a wide range of clinical experience in hospital & community settings, she found her passion in paediatrics, growing her expertise in this area. Bo focuses strongly on client-centred care & supports children & their families to feel empowered on their health journey.

Don Rabbits

Occupational Therapist  Edgecumbe


Don has a passion for helping individuals lead independent & fulfilling lives. He specialises in tailored vocational & social rehab services to address a range of physical, social & equipment challenges. Don’s approach is client-centred, focusing on empowering clients to engage in meaningful daily activities whether in the home, workplace or community setting. He is committed to supporting his local community.

Gail Morley

Occupational Therapist  Tauranga


Gail has over 20 years' experience as an occupational therapist. She specialises in mental health, trauma & equine assisted therapy. Gail is certified in cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance & commitment therapy, & solution focused therapy. She works alongside people, assisting them to reach their goals. Gail mentors others & is a clinical supervisor.

Janie de Malmanche

Occupational Therapist  Mount Maunganui


Janie is a descendant of Ngati Maniapoto with a Masters in Occupational Therapy. She has worked for over 20 years in mental health & addiction services. Manaakitanga (care & respect), rangatiratanga (enhancing self-determination) & whanaungatanga (forming authentic relationships) are fundamental to her practice. She works in ways to enhance mana – dignity & confidence.

Lucy Kelly

Occupational Therapist  Tauranga


Lucy graduated in 2012 & has worked in vocational and social rehabilitation, forensic mental health, & medical driving assessments. She completed her post-graduate studies in mental health & is a qualified driver-trained OT. After an extended stint raising her children, she has returned to the workforce eager to learn from & walk alongside clients in achieving their goals.

Maree Paterson

Occupational Therapist  Tauranga


Maree is an occupational therapist, who has completed a Masters in Health Science (Hons) at Auckland University of Technology. She has specialist rehabilitation skills in brain injury and mental health, with a developing interest in the management of chronic pain. For the past twenty years Maree has lived in Tauranga and worked in the Bay of Plenty.

Suzanne Wettasinghe

Occupational Therapist  Tauranga


Suzanne has worked as an occupational therapist for over twenty years. She has experience in hospital acute and rehab settings, and in the last ten years has worked in private practice as a contractor on private and ACC contracts. She enjoys the satisfaction of knowing she’s made a positive difference to a client’s recovery and wellbeing.

Yvette Trask

Occupational Therapist  Mount Maunganui


Yvette has worked as an OT for 15 years specialising in assistive technology/equipment, fall prevention, musculoskeletal injuries, pressure injuries, pain management, manual handling, ergonomics & vocational rehabilitation. Yvette enjoys working with people of all ages & backgrounds, assisting in developing independence, daily routine & promoting their optimal potential.

Speech Language

Briony McCormack

Speech-Language Therapist  Papamoa


Briony’s SLT experience ranges from working with adults following TBI & stroke to working for the Ministry of Education’s Early Intervention team. After 5 years with Rehab Plus, Briony moved to ACC contract work. Briony has experience with comprehensive assessment & intervention for communication, & swallowing impairments secondary to mild, moderate & severe TBI. 


Alexandra Harrison

Registered Nurse  Tauranga


Alexandra has worked in mental health nursing since graduating in 1994 & has a Graduate Certificate in Child & Youth. In 2010 she trained with Dr Lloyd Lalande in Guided Respiration Mindfulness Therapy (GRMT), an evidence-based breath work therapy for clients with anxiety, depression, PTSD & trauma. Alexandra’s aim is to empower clients to utilise GRMT as part of their healing journey.

Lara Mackay

Registered Nurse  Tauranga


After qualifying with a Bachelor of Nursing, Lara completed her Post Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Assessment & Elderly Care. She has experience as a theatre & general practice nurse, with a special interest in rehabilitation post-injury. Lara has a friendly, client-centred approach and believes in walking alongside her clients to achieve the best rehabilitative outcomes.  

Social Work

Jan Bell

Social Worker  Tauranga


Jan is a registered social worker with an extensive history working in clinical roles in both DHB and NGO services.  Her experience is inclusive of working in the areas of mental health (child and adolescent), addiction, family therapy, counselling, as well as several supervisory and team leadership roles. Jan now works part-time with ACC sensitive claims. 


Joanne Gates

Social Worker  Papamoa


Joanne has been working as a social worker since 2004 & completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work in 2009. Her experience ranges from statutory care & protection, adult mental health, intellectual disabilities, & alcohol & drug misuse. She has worked across many sectors & with diversity such as culture, age, gender, disabilities & different personal circumstances.

Nikki Fowler

Social Worker  Rotorua


Nikki is a registered social worker who has worked in adult mental health, victim support, & youth at risk. Nikki contracts to ACC, working with sensitive claims clients & also delivers ACC's Mates and Dates programme in high schools. She believes in working with the whole person, including their physical, mental, spiritual & emotional health, whilst taking social factors into consideration.

Robyn Wilson

Social Worker  Omokoroa


Robyn is a registered social worker and a member of the ANZASW.  Robyn has worked as a social worker for 17 years, specialising in domestic violence, trauma & sexual assault. Robyn contracts to ACC and works within a holistic framework.

Steph Pease

Social Worker  Hamilton


Steph has spent 20 years working as a physical health social worker in rural & community settings. She has worked alongside people with different needs, eg aged care, physical & disability, PTSD, family harm & elder abuse. Steph helps people's voices to be heard so they can guide their way through calmer waters to cope with the trauma that has led them to her door.

Suzanne Laird

Counsellor & Social Worker  Tauranga


Suzanne is a registered social worker, a member of the ANZASW and has a social work degree with honours (Massey University, 2006). Suzanne has 10 years’ experience in mental health & addiction services where she assesses, counsels, & offers skills & support to get out in the community. Suzanne works alongside people to empower them to reach their potential.


Dr Geraldine Hancock

Clinical Psychologist  Tauranga


Geraldine was conferred a PhD (Psychology) and Post-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology from the University of Otago in 2000. She is a NZ registered clinical psychologist & a member of the NZ College of Clinical Psychologists & NZ Pain Society. Geraldine has worked in DHB mental health teams & academic positions. She currently works part-time in private practice.

Dr Hilary Bradley

Clinical Psychologist  Tauranga


Hilary qualified with a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (2012) & is a member of the NZ College of Clinical Psychologists. She has worked in the public & private sectors for over 10 years & currently works part-time privately, and with Coastal Rehab Services' ACC clients.

Dr Maren Klum

Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist  Tauranga


Maren is a registered clinical psychologist & neuropsychologist with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (2012). She has worked in mental health services in Tauranga since 2009 & completed her thesis on caregivers of a family member with a traumatic brain injury. She sees private and ACC clients with a difficulties including depression, anxiety, concussion/TBI, pain & physical illness.

Elsabé le Roux

Clinical Psychologist  Tauranga


Elsabé is a South African trained clinical psychologist with experience working in both the public and private sector in New Zealand. She is passionate about supporting clients and families to overcome challenges that get in the way of living a fulfilled life. She has a special interest in working with children and adolescents.  

Prya Beharry

Neuropsychologist and Clinical Psychologist  Tauranga


Pyra gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology in 2009 and has since carried out further training to work in the field of neuropsychology.  She has experience in working with all ages in both the public and private sectors and now works alongside Simon Seal providing both clinical psychology and neuropsychological services to a range of clients. 

Sarah Jones

Registered Psychologist  Taranaki


Sarah is a registered psychologist with a Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Psychology with Distinction (2014). She works in a strength-based, big-picture way, supporting clients to find inner strength as they face challenges. Sarah empowers clients to find a way forward, drawing on principles of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy & Compassion Focussed Therapy.

Simon Seal

Neuropsychologist & Clinical Psychologist  Tauranga


Simon has over ten years' experience working with children and adolescents, adults and older people with a wide range of mental health and neurospsychological conditions across hospital and private practice settings. Simon's areas of specialisation include neurodevelopmental disorders, tramatic brain injury and dementia. 

Tracy Cliff

Clinical Psychologist  Tauranga


Tracy has worked in private practice for over 25 years. She is a holistic psychologist who works with clients collaboratively to determine which psychological modality would best serve their needs. She is trained in psycho-dynamic therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, EMDR & Imago therapy & has a special interest in trauma.

Rehabilitation Coach

Catherine Parr-Stephens

Rehab Coach  Coromandel


Catherine has been in the health & fitness industry for the past 16 years. She recently began working as a rehab coach after 10 years as a qualified personal trainer. Helping people achieve their goals has always come naturally to Catherine. Her approach to health & fitness is holistic & scientific. Catherine is tangata whenua of Whangapoua, and has travelled and lived extensively abroad.

Laurel Ingley

Rehab Coach  Rotorua


Laurel is a qualified enrolled nurse who has worked in rest homes & hospitals for many years. She worked as a co-ordinator before taking up the role of support worker in the community. Laurel finds delight in helping people achieve their goals & empowering people to be the best they can be.

Robyn Clarke

Rehab Coach  Ngatea


Robyn was a caregiver in a rest home for ten years before working in the community as a support worker. She has been a rehabilitation coach for the past three years, where she works one-on-one with clients to achieve their therapy goals.


Dr Rajib Ghosh

Occupational Physician  Wellington


Dr Ghosh is an occupational and environmental physician, & is registered as a specialist physician in Australia and NZ. He is also trained in aerospace medicine, diving and hyperbaric medicine, public health, human factors engineering, business management & IT management. He has supported patients with concussion and/or chronic pain for nearly a decade in NZ.

Dr Rod Nicholson

Occupational Medicine Specialist  Auckland


Dr Rod Nicholson graduated from Otago Medical School in 1985 and has been working as an Occupational Medicine specialist since 2000. He has a wide range of medical experience, in particular musculo-skeletal and head injuries. He is currently working in private practice based in Auckland.


Contact Us

PO Box 10374, Bayfair, Mt Maunganui 3152
(07) 542 1305